There are a number of different visas that you can apply for and obtain as an immigrant to the US. It is important for you to know and understand that these visas are, so that you can choose the right one and get the process started. While some visas do not take long to receive, others may, especially if they have requirements above and beyond other visas. When you want to apply for and obtain a visa, you need an experienced immigration attorney in Brooklyn on your side. At Green Card Visa Lawyer, we are here to help you and we want to hear from you today. Call us now at 212-547-8992 or 718-749-9623.
Below, you will find a handful of the available types of visas that we can help you with. Should you be after a specific type of visa and not see it listed, call our Brooklyn office.
The B-1 and B-2 visas are explicitly for those individuals who want to come to the US as a visitor or tourist. These types of visas do not permit the person to work in the US and they are only granted for a small stay. Both business and pleasure trips to the US are considered to fall under these visas.
The K-1 visa is a fiance visa that allows the fiancé of a qualified US citizen to come to the US to be married. The marriage must occur within 90 days.
F-1 and M-1 visas are also known as student visas and this type of documentation will allow someone to pursue a course of study at a school in the US. The person who applies must be eligible to attend the school, their chosen study, and entrance into the US. It is important to note that once a student graduates, he or she loses the student visa and must apply for a new type of visa to remain legally in the US.
The R-1 visa is one that allows all religious workers entrance into the US for business. It is important to explore this visa in depth with an experience immigration attorney in NYC if you believe you qualify.
The O-1 visa is a specific and specialized category that not everyone will fall into. In fact, this visa is reserved for foreign nationals who have an extraordinary ability. What this means is someone who is a businessperson, medical surgeon, scientist, athlete, or similar.
The H-1B or professional visa is one that is most commonly handed out. This visa requires you to be a professional worker and hold a minimum of a bachelor’s degree. If you do not have a bachelor’s degree, enough work experience may suffice, if the immigrant is paid at the same rate as someone with a degree.
If you would like to learn more about visas and how to obtain one, speak with our immigration attorney in NYC today. The team at Green Card Visa Lawyer is here to help you. Call 212-547-8992 or 718-749-9623.